Lack of HR strategy and infrastructure in rapidly growing and changing organization
 To support development of over-arching HR strategy
 To create initial HR infrastructure
 To effect a knowledge transfer to designated client personnel
 To develop a long term strategic partnership between Business Unlimited and client organization
Business Unlimited:
Business Unlimited worked with the client board team to understand business and corporate objectives; then went on to develop and agree an HR strategy which supported client goals.
Key initiatives underpinning the agreed HR strategy were identified. Business Unlimited subsequently played an instrumental role in executing these initiatives.
• HR strategy became fully embedded in the way the organization does business.
• 'Fit for purpose' HR infrastructure put in place with associated communication and training for all staff concerned.
• Effective knowledge transfer resulting in the development of an internal HR skills base achieved.
• Ongoing strategic partnership in place to the benefit of both organizations.
'A vision's just a vision if it's only in your head' - Business Unlimited have helped us to turn vision into reality through their ability to listen, grow our ideas and translate these into HR strategy.