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As much as we've grown over the years, we've never forgotten our core values.
Our core values are the pillars that hold us together and keep us standing strong.
They are shared by everyone at Business Unlimited.
Guided by these values, we look forward to bringing you the best possible
Business Unlimited's ANSWERS to managing directors' concerns
Over the last 30 years we have come across many reasons why companies hesitate to use consultants.
Here are the main reservations that have been expressed and the ways we have helped our clients in overcoming them:
Why do I need marketing and management consultants when I already employ competent
in-house management?
The problem today is that through increasing workloads companies are getting too close to their products to see the market "for the trees". One of the main advantages of marketing and management consultants is that they bring a new independent look to a company which can generate new ideas and concepts while at the same time increasing efficiency and reducing wastage. With tightly controlled budgets do your senior managers and directors have time to step outside the company and give a genuine and unbiased view of your operations? By working at all levels in your organization - with directors, sales people, production staff, lorry drivers and your potential customers, we are in a position to listen and learn their views, which would not normally be expressed to you.
Bringing in consultants could upset my staff
This is one of the reasons why every project we undertake is led by Dr. Salim Hajje, Regional Director of Business Unlimited. He operates as a hands-on consultant with 25 years' practical marketing and management experience and 20 years' consultancy experience. This has allowed him to be sensitive at all levels of a client's organization, understanding the day-to-day problems of employees - the simple reason is that he has been there before. It's a question of having the "common touch".
How do Business Unlimited's consultants work within a company?
At all levels:
  • Board room
  • Marketing department
  • Salesperson's trips
  • Shop floor
  • Behind the counter
  • Distribution on the road
  • Face to face with customers
  • Everywhere...
Business Unlimited can only help you in developing your strategies when we can assess your company's operations at all levels, including accompanying sales forces and workers during their day-to-day working cycles.
This gives us an entirely objective and balanced overview covering all areas of your company's work, and sets the context for developing an effective strategy.
Why do companies need Business Unlimited?
The high pressure of day-to-day work is causing board members to lose sight of their objectives.
Business Unlimited can co-ordinate at boardroom level. Even in today's company management, the right hand often does not know what the left is doing. Danger signals can pass unnoticed.
Business Unlimited can listen - it is surprising what new information companies can learn about themselves at all levels. Business Unlimited's overview of company objectives allows companies to regain their momentum and to re-appreciate the climate of the markets in which they are operating.
Business Unlimited's list of danger signals
All these are symptoms to watch out for. This is a crucial list in diagnosing the health status of your organization.
  1. Lack of strategic and long-term planning
  2. Not enough competitor research
  3. Failure to research consumer attitudes
  4. Lack of site location research
  5. Lack of motivation for sales force
  6. Too little attention to new product development
  7. Lack of marketing staff to implement new strategies
  8. Failure to co-ordinate marketing and production with the result that sales exceed production capacity
  9. Inadequate customer care
  10. Failure to recognize export as a support for lack of home sales
  11. Wastage in advertising and promotional expenditure
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